TRENTON ISD Committees

School districts across Texas are required to establish various committees, with membership varying from school personnel to parents to community members, to help make decisions regarding the district. Trenton ISD is seeking parents, business representatives, and community members to participate on either a District or Campus level committee.  

Trenton ISD Planning & Decision Making Committee 

Non-School Members: 2 Parents, 2 Community Members, 2 Business Members

This committee advises the Board in establishing and reviewing the District  Improvement Plan and the District’s educational goals.  

Campus Level Planning & Decision Making Committee 

Non-School Members: 2 Parents and 2 Community Members Per Campus Committee

This committee ensures that effective planning and decision-making occur to direct and 

support the improvement of student performance for all students.  This committee 

assists the principal in establishing and reviewing goals and performance objectives

Trenton ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) 

Non-School Members: 3 to 5 Non-School Members

This committee assists the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected 

in the district’s health education instruction. The SHAC will also establish a physical 

activity and fitness planning subcommittee to consider student physical

activity and fitness issues.   

If you are interested in serving on one of the above committees, please indicate your preference on the form below by 3 pm on Monday, August 29, 2022.