TES FEBRUARY STUDENT LEADERS Rolan Deanda 1st Grade and David Flores 3rd Grade Rolan Deanda is the perfect student. He listens and follows directions, never talks out, he is not only smart, but so caring. He has his homework completed each night, handwriting is beautiful, he is like a sponge soaking up knowledge and willingly helps his classmates when needed. He works hard in the classroom, but most importantly, he has integrity. I could go on and on singing his praises. I love having Rolan in class! (Kristi Boggess - 1st Grade) David Flores comes to school every day ready to learn and be the best he can be. He is a hard worker and kind to all. David has a positive attitude in everything he does and is a great example of Tigers ROAR! We are so grateful David is part of our class. (Third Grade Teachers)
2 days ago, Belenda Harris
February Student Leaders
TES FEBRUARY STAFF SPOTLIGHT JENNIFER LYDAY - SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER Jennifer Lyday juggles many areas within education with ease. Working with students across multiple grade and ability levels, she ensures her students know she believes in them and she prioritizes building confidence. She easily becomes a favorite of her students. Her role also requires her to work with many different teachers and teaching styles.. She is always organized and prepared, supportive, encouraging and flexible in every situation. TES is lucky to have her leading our Special Education Department. (Kelly Dudley - TES Counselor and Belenda Harris - TES Principal)
4 days ago, Belenda Harris
February Staff Spotlight
TES FEBRUARY STUDENT LEADERS Rolan Deanda 1st Grade and David Flores 3rd Grade Rolan Deanda is the perfect student. He listens and follows directions, never talks out, he is not only smart, but so caring. He has his homework completed each night, handwriting is beautiful, he is like a sponge soaking up knowledge and willingly helps his classmates when needed. He works hard in the classroom, but most importantly, he has integrity. I could go on and on singing his praises. I love having Rolan in class! (Kristi Boggess - 1st Grade) David Flores comes to school every day ready to learn and be the best he can be. He is a hard worker and kind to all. David has a positive attitude in everything he does and is a great example of Tigers ROAR! We am so grateful David is part of our class. (Third Grade Teachers)
5 days ago, Belenda Harris
February Student Leaders
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY FROM TES Thank you parents and PTO for all the treats. We will see everyone back at school on Tuesday, February 18!
15 days ago, Belenda Harris
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22 days ago, Belenda Harris
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28 days ago, Belenda Harris
February Newsletter
TES JANUARY STAFF SPOTLIGHT Michelle Powell - 2nd Grade Michelle Powell has been a valuable addition to Trenton Elementary. Not only is she doing an outstanding job of leading the second grade team, she helps others with lesson plans, materials and modeling lessons for students. Mrs. Powell is always willing to help however needed. When she sees a need, she jumps in and works her magic. She runs her classroom as its own little community, holding each student accountable and making them feel valued. She has open communication with families and understands how to form a partnership with parents. She’s a hard worker, but always makes time for fun. (Veronica McComack - 2nd Grade Teacher and Kelly Dudley - TES Counselor)
about 1 month ago, Belenda Harris
January Staff of the Month
TES JANUARY STUDENT LEADERS Jackson Stolhand 1st Grade and Nallely Galvan 3rd Grade Jackson is new to our school and has fit right in like he has always been a Tiger. Jackson loves math and science, and is a great helper to his friends in our class. He has a sweet smile and always has an answer to your question. He likes to build things and loves to take care of his animals at home, especially his new fish. When I ask Jackson if he likes school, his response is always that he loves it. He says that last year he didn't like going to school, but Trenton makes learning fun, and he can't wait to get home and share his day with his mom and dad. He is excited that his little brother will be coming to school here next year as well. (Melanie Cranford - 1st Grade) I continue to be impressed with Nallely's work ethic and leadership this year. Nallely helps younger students in the morning by modeling Tiger behavior in the hallways. We have a student who is learning English in our class and Nallely has shown kindness and has assisted this student with instructions and examples of expected work. Nallely takes ownership of her learning. She uses her time wisely and actively participates in class activities. Nallely is someone I can count on to be a helper and leader in my class. (Jennifer Nager- 3rd Grade Reading Teacher)
about 1 month ago, Belenda Harris
January Students of the Month
about 1 month ago, Belenda Harris
TES AWARDS 2ND NINE WEEKS TES students and staff are excited to be back for our 2nd semester of school after the winter weather break of 2025. Here are a few pictures of some of our students with their awards,. Report cards have been sent home.
about 2 months ago, Belenda Harris
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TES January News
about 2 months ago, Belenda Harris
January News
Merry Christmas from everyone at TES, the Grinch and Santa. We wish all of our families a safe and happy holiday, and look forward to seeing students back on January 6. ❤️
3 months ago, Belenda Harris
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DECEMBER AT TES Students at TES have been busy combining learning and Christmas fun - with 4th grade students learning about circuits and making holiday cards, kindergarten students enjoying some reindeer fun, and school board member, Rob Sutton, reading to kindergarten friends.
3 months ago, Belenda Harris
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TES This has been a busy week back at TES with 4th grade students learning about symmetry by making snowflakes, some mischievous elves on our campus, and a lot of fun at our PBIS Glow Party. Next week will be just as exciting with District UIL and class Christmas Parties!
3 months ago, Belenda Harris
4th grade snowflakes
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PBIS Glow Party
TES CLASS CHRISTMAS PARTIES WILL BE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2024 Please use the link to pre-register https://forms.gle/aiD948aZaYtFLSmT7
3 months ago, Belenda Harris
4 months ago, Belenda Harris
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4 months ago, Belenda Harris
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM TES Everyone stay safe and have fun. We will see all students back at school Monday, November 4.
4 months ago, Belenda Harris
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4 months ago, Belenda Harris
November Newsletter
RED RIBBON WEEK AT TES TES students have enjoyed showing school spirit with a pledge to be drug and bully free by: - Wearing RED, SOCKing it to drugs and bullying, and Following our dreams by making good choices. Tomorrow, October 31, students are invited to "Say BOO to drugs and bullying" by wearing school appropriate Halloween costumes. Friday, November 1, No School for Students - Parent/Teacher Conference Day
4 months ago, Belenda Harris
Red Day
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