Congratulations to Mrs Thedford for being honored by Mathews Auto Group and their Pay It Forward program.

Congratulations to Mrs. Elam for being selected as the Farm Bureau Insurance Teacher of the Month.

Thank you Mrs. Alexander!!! We hope you had a great week!!!

Congratulations to Seniors Stone Anderson and Abigail Stufflebeme for being named State Farm Players of the Week.

The Cheer Parent meeting originally scheduled for today has been rescheduled for Wednesday, January 31st at 6:00 in the HS library. We apologize for the change, and appreciate your understanding.

Today members of our middle and high school boys basketball teams attended an A&M Commerce game. These young men had a great time watching the double overtime game. #TigersTogether #WeAreOne

Middle School Basketball Update:
All middle school basketball games will be played on Monday. Same times and locations as on the schedule.

Trenton ISD is excited to partner with Grayson Adult Education and Literacy to offer free ESL and GED classes. These classes will be offered at Leonard High School. Anyone interested can use the contact information on the flyers to get more information. #TigersTogether
Jeremy Strickland
Trenton ISD

Wrestling fans, don't miss the action coming to Trenton High School! A fun night out with your kids/grandkids or a date night! Lots of fun! You can use the QR code to purchase tickets. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event. Help support Trenton High School Beta raise money to offset the students' cost of attending the National Convention in Savanah Georgia this summer!

Congratulations to Abigail Stufflebeam,
Ashley Vasquez, and Saray Moreno on being THS spotlight students.

TISD Families,
Trenton ISD had staff drive roads early this morning and the roads were clear of ice. We will have a normal start time today.
Bonham Students:
Our students that attend Bonham ISD will have a delayed start time. The Bonham bus will run approximately 2 hours later than normal.
Jeremy Strickland
Trenton ISD

Perfect night to see over 70 THS students celebrate at the Winter Wonderland Ball

Basketball Update - Tonight's JV Girls Basketball game at Honey Grove has been cancelled. The JV Boys game will begin at 5:00 followed by the Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys.

Trenton High School Students, in teaching intern classes, are a valuable part of Trenton Elementary School. The high school students give elementary students much needed practice, individually and in small groups, with math, reading and writing skills. Strong relationships are being built.

TISD Families,
Trenton ISD will have school tomorrow as normally scheduled. Buses will run at normal times.
Tomorrow night's basketball games have been rescheduled for Wednesday due to Wolfe City not having school tomorrow. There will not be any JV games.
Wednesday, January 17 Basketball Game Schedule:
Varsity Girls at 5 pm
Varsity Boys at 6:30 pm (approximately)
Jeremy Strickland
Trenton ISD

Congratulations to Kylie Lambright who competed this weekend at the Fort Worth Stockshow and Rodeo Open Poultry Show, where she won Reserve Breed Rhode Island Red, Best Variety Black Ameraucana, and Reserve Variety Ameraucana!

Congratulations to Justice Morman, CJ Poff, and Lexington Williams for earning a blue ribbon at the Ft Worth Stock Show.

Basketball Update:
Tonight there will only be 3 games at Celeste.
JV Girls at 4:30 pm followed by the Varsity Girls, then the Varsity Boys.

Thank you HWH for the awesome work on the new high school, here is a video of how it looks as of Jan 2024. Looking forward to the next phases in the new year!

January is School Board Appreciation Month and Trenton ISD is blessed with the best! Please join TISD in expressing appreciation to our board members who work diligently on behalf of our students, teachers, staff, and community! Their dedication to our students and district is invaluable. Thank you for your commitment and unwavering support of TISD! #TigersTogether
Mr. Austen Barnes
Mr. Henry Baker - Board Vice President
Mr. Tommy Green
Mr. Allen Lambright - Board President
Mrs. Elisha Stufflebeme
Mr. Max Trusty
Mrs. Amy Withrow - Board Secretary